The length of the chain molecule is proportional to the kinetic chain length. 链分子的长度与动力学链长成正比。
On the other had the chain length of alkyl group also affects on the values of AT as well. 同时还发现吸附质的链长对脱附性质、AT值也有较大影响。
The extent of changes slightly increases with the increase of the side chain length. 这些变化的程度随着支链长度的增加略有增大。
The chain length of alcohol is determined, with the increase of the number of long alkyl carbon atoms in alkyl aryl sulfonate molecule, the area of microemulsion region will decrease. 醇的链长一定时,随着烷基芳基磺酸盐分子的长烷基链碳原子数的增加,微乳液的区域减小。
The Difference Between Starch Chain Length Distribution and Main Quality Characteristics of High Resistant Starch Lines of Japonica Rice 高抗性淀粉粳稻新品系稻米淀粉链长分布与主要品质特征差异
At the same time the effect becomes more obvious when the chain length of alcohol is getting longer. However, the dihydric alcohols have little effect on the diagram of ATPS. 而二元醇的加入对双水相的相图影响不大,只是对形成双水相的表面活性剂最低总浓度稍有影响。
Action mechanism and effect of side chain length of comb-like copolymer dispersant on dispersion of cement paste 梳形共聚物分散剂侧链长度对水泥浆体分散性能的影响及机理
Similarly, a positive correlation between growth rate and chain length was observed in S.costatum in batch culture and natural communities in enclosure experiments. 与此类似,无论是批次培养的细胞,还是自然群体的模拟培养,中肋骨条藻的生长速率增加总是伴随着细胞链的加长。
Study on the antioxidative activity in vitro of peanut peptide with different chain length 不同链长花生蛋白肽的体外抗氧化活性研究
Incorrect chain length was used for marked chains while copying in some times before. 不正确链的长度是用来标记链复制时在某些次。
Studied the effects of ultrasonic time, quantity of ammonia, and the quantity and chain length of the fatty acid on the ferrofluids. 实验研究了超声波分散时间、氨水的用量、脂肪酸链长及分散剂用量对所制备的磁流体的性质的影响。
From the experimental data obtained, authors have deduced an empirical equation which expresses the quantitative relation between temprature, concentration of butanol, carbon chain length in sodium alkyl sulfonates, acn, and the optimal salinity in terms of phase behavior. 由实验数据导出了一个经验公式,可以表征温度、正丁醇浓度、烷基碳链长度acn与相行为最佳盐浓度之间的定量关系。
The chain length of60-70 DMS repeating units for both mono-and bi-functional PDMS appeared to be long enough to prevent the surface reorganization during the CA measurements. 当PDMS链的重复单元数达到60-70时,单羟基或双羟基封端的聚PDMS都足以阻止在接触角测量过程中发生表面重排。
With the elongation of alkyl chain length, the inhibitor membranes showed increased capacity for prevention of diffusion of corrosive particles. 随烷基链长的增加,缓蚀剂膜对腐蚀介质粒子扩散行为的抑制能力逐渐增强;
Metachromasia, electrophoresis, and gel chromatography have shown that the charge of MPS and its chain length remain unchanged. 利用药物的变色反应性,电泳和凝胶色谱法显示MPS(多磺酸粘多糖)的电荷及其链长没有改变。
The influences of fatty acid chain length, organic solvent polarity and water contents were also discussed. 该酶可催化有机硅醇与脂肪酸的酯化反应,并对不同链长的脂肪酸底物、有机溶剂极性及水含量等进行了初步研究。
The conformation of Ap is related to molecular weight, branched degree and external chain length. 支链淀粉的构象与其分子量、分支度、外链长和淀粉浓度有关。
Cross-metathesis with olefins is means to change the chain length of fatty acids and derivatives; 与烯烃交叉转移置换意味着改变脂肪酸的链长生成新的衍生物;
The influence of the molecular conjugated chain length and the electron-donating group on βμ was examined. 考察了分子共轭链长、给电子基团对βμ的影响。
The chain length of the crosslinking agent had a great effect on the absorbency and absorption rate of water-absorbent. 交联剂链长对树脂吸水率及吸水速率影响较大。
A stochastic function for the relationship between the chain length and the chain pitch is given. 给出了链条节距精度和链长精度的随机函数关系。
The effects of salt and chain length on split CD were also discussed. 同时还讨论了盐及冠醚链长对裂分Cotton效应的影响。
An end group correction factor was introduced for getting the true weight distribution of chain length. 引进了一个端基改正因子以获得真实的重量链长分布。
And the complicated relationship between the chain length of fluorescein esters and their hydrolytic properties had been found. 发现羧酸荧光素酯中的碳链长度与其水解性能之间的复杂关系,并且筛选出优良的检测脂酶的荧光探针。
The influence of the hydrophilic graft chain length on the micelle particle size was investigated further. 进一步考察了亲水性接枝链长对胶束粒径的影响。
Interestingly, increasing the alkyl chain length of AAIL cation remarkably enhanced the enantioselectivity. 我们发现随着AAIL阳离子上烷基链长度增加,对映体选择性显著增加。
The enhancement of organic acids is related to its molecule structure such as carbon chain length and function group. 有机酸盐作为电子供体对异化铁还原过程的影响作用与其分子结构比如碳链长度、官能团等有关。
The calculated results of quantum transport indicate that the conductances vary with chain length and strain. 量子输运特性的计算表明电导随链长和应变的改变而发生变化。
With the irradiation time increased and decreased the concentration of chain transfer agent, graft chain length increased linearly. 随辐射时间增加和转移剂浓度的下降接枝链长呈线性上升。
The impact of alkyl chain length on the length-diameter ratio in various solvent is discussed. 并对碳链长度在各种溶剂中对长径比的影响进行了讨论。